Overview of Standards and Technical Reports

Overview of ARIB Technical Report (BTA S-1005)

1. Overview

TR Number BTA S-1005
Technical Report Name Interconnection for HDTV Studio Equipment
Enactment Date 05.1992
General Description

This technical report specifies a guideline of interconnection for HDTV studio equipment.

The guideline (BTA S-1005) of “Interconnection for HDTV Studio Equipment” and “Interface between video cameras and lenses” was established in May 1992 in accordance with the report of the Telecommunications Technology Council of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications in June 1990 regarding “Technology Conditions for High Definition Television Broadcasting”. “Interface between portable cameras and portable VTRs” and “Reference cables and connectors for video cameras” were added to the guideline.

This technical report is applied to HDTV studio equipment for imaging, storing, transmission and display in broadcasting stations and productions.


Keyword Description
C→S and S→C Flow of signals from cameras (C) to systems (S), and flow of signals from systems (S) to cameras (C)
C→L and L→C Flow of signals from cameras (C) to lenses (L), and flow of signals from lenses (L) to cameras (C)
C→V and V→C Flow of signals from cameras (C) to VTRs (V), and flow of signals from VTRs (V) to cameras (C)
glass 1 Prism glass
glass 2 Glasses for filters, cover glass of CCD and so on
mode 1 Basic connection mode of a round type 12 pin connector in the interface between 1 inch cameras and lenses
mode 2 Basic connection mode of a round type 12 pin connector with a time division multiplex in the interface between 1 inch cameras and lenses based on mode 1
mode C Basic connection mode of a round type 12 pin connector with compatibility of the lenses of conventional cameras for the NTSC system in the interface between 2/3 inch cameras and lenses
mode H Basic connection mode of a round type 12 pin connector with delivering and receiving digital commands, and a time division multiplex in the interface between 2/3 inch cameras and lenses
low impedance Less than 50Ω
high impedance More than 10kΩ

2. Amendment History

Ver. Amendment or Enactment Date Amendment summary
B 04.1997 Addition of “Reference cables and connectors for cameras of a digital video transmission system”
A 03.1994

Addition of “Digital audio interface”, “Interface between 2/3 inch cameras and lenses”, “Interface between portable cameras and portable VTRs” and “Reference cables for cameras of an analog video transmission system”

Addition of items regarding HD signals and VD signals to “Annex”

1.0 05.1992 Establishment of the guideline of “Interconnection for signals used in studio equipment” and “Interface between cameras and lenses”

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